What is a feminization Rhinoplasty?
Although the principles of nasal feminization are the same as of a rhinoplasty, the goals are different. There are many aesthetic differences between the masculine and feminine nose which, when sufficiently corrected, give a very satisfying result. The feminizing rhinoplasty can be performed on its own or be combined with other facial procedures.
What makes a nose femine?
In order to understand the feminizing of the nose, one must understand the differences between a feminine and masculine nose. Analyzing from the upper to the lower part of the nose, one of the most important characteristics is the radix, which is the groove which connects the nose to the frontal bone. In the female nose, the radix is set deeper, with a curved transition from the frontal bone. The depth of the radix in women matches approximately the height of the eyelashes. Moving to the nasal bridge, which is below the radix, the nasal bones are to be found. In men, the nasal bones are stronger and wider, and, in this area, the bony hump can be found. The lower third of the nose consists of the nasal cartilages, which interconnect to create the tip. Generally, in men the tip is positioned lower and the cartilages are stronger and wider than in women. The feminine nose also has a narrower base and the nostrils are closer together.
The Procedure
After analyzing each individual nose, the rhinoplasty aims to correct both functional and aesthetical problems and restore the feminine features. It is performed under general anesthesia as day care. In most cases, a closed approach is selected, although in some individual cases an open rhinoplasty may be preferred. The majority of cases receive cartilage grafts, harvested from the septum. After the procedure, a splint is placed for one week. Thanks to modern techniques, bruising is minimal and recovery very fast. It a pain free procedure. Patients can return to daily activities after 10 days.
Recovery and results
The result of a feminizing rhinoplasty is very satisfying and, in some cases, no other facial procedure is necessary. In order to observe the final result, it might require six to twelve months, however, after one month, there are only subtle differences.
One very challenging procedure is the secondary rhinoplasty, in patients who have had nasal procedures in the past. In these cases, besides feminizing the nose, previous surgical dysmorphias have to be restored. With experience and correct assessment, however, even these cases can attain an excellent result.